Canadian owned warehouse storage solutions

100% Canadian Owned Company

Automotive Stainless Steel Panels

Personalized Panels Rousseau sales and support offered by Commander Warehouse Equipment

Personal Panels for Automotive Shops

Rousseau offers a personalization service for stainless steel panels installed on GT workstations, service advisor desks and corner service counters.

Panels can be personalized with a logo, a name or even a slo- gan. Personalization is performed using digital printing with UV ink. It is a highly durable process that creates an immaculate finish and is easy to clean.

  • Endless color possibilities
  • For maximum impact, the design is always centered (vertically and horizontally)
  • Existing panels can be replaced with new personalized panels.

Want to install personalized stainless steel panels for your business?

Talk to one of our automotive industry experts today.

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