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Benefits of Security Cages

Benefits of security cages

Getting to know the different benefits of security cages will help you make an informed decision about whether or not buying security cages for your workplace is in your best interests. At Commander Warehouse, we understand how important it is to keep your expensive equipment and products as safe and secure as possible. That is why we offer a selection of security enclosures.

The Main Benefits of Security Cages

Some of the main benefits of security cages include:

1. Saves Money

Rather than having a costly renovation done to add a secure room with permanent walls and a locking door for storing expensive equipment and products, security cages can provide the same level of security, preventing theft at a fraction of the cost.

2. Increases Safety

Security cages provide the workplace with an enclosed area for equipment and products, lowering the chances of workers being injured by tripping over haphazardly stored items. This not only helps improve safety in the workplace but also helps save the business money by decreasing the odds of having to pay for worker’s compensation or disability pay.

3. Provides Flexibility

Since security cages are temporary storage areas, they can easily be moved from one location to the next. Security cages can also be added onto as needed, making them an affordable storage option for expanding businesses.

4. Offers Visibility

Unlike enclosed rooms, security cages are made from wire partitions that allow you to see exactly what or who is inside the security cage at all times. Having complete visibility eliminates security risks and provides you with easy, more affordable monitoring for protecting valuable equipment and products.

5. Provides Additional Strength

All security cages are made from welded steel wiring, which is incredibly strong and can easily stand up to the wear and tear of everyday use. Security cages are also nearly impossible to break into.

6. Offers Compliance

Security cages play a crucial role in workplaces being in compliance with OSHA and other standards, as some items have to be stored in secure spaces that also allow for proper airflow in and out of the space.

If you would like to learn more about the different benefits of security cages, or if you are interested in one of our security enclosures, please contact Commander Warehouse at one of our four locations across Western Canada or by filling out a contact form on our website. Our team would love to help you find the best storage solution for securing valuable equipment and products.

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