Multi-Level Shelving
Multi-level shelving is the best method in reclaiming unused space. This shelving system efficiently makes use of vertical space, as well as depth and width. This kind of system can be customized to work around any obstacle in your building, such as beams, columns, doors, air ducts, and building structure.
With its compact design, this shelving system allows you to store large quantities of parts in less space while reducing the amount of time spent taking trips back and forth. Before you commence an unnecessary and expensive and expansion project, consider multi-level shelving!
Industries and applications that multi-level shelving is perfect for include:
- Warehouse applications
- Manufacturing industry
- Storage rooms
- Automotive industry
- Garages
Multi-level shelving is fully customizable to fit the requirements of your site. For more information on how you can use multi-level shelving in your space, browse through the downloadable catalog or call for sales assistance.
Did you know?
As a leader in industrial, material handling, warehouse and storage products we provide installation services for any product we offer. We also have leasing opportunities available.