Canadian owned warehouse storage solutions

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Warehouse Organization Tips and Tricks

Warehouse organization tips and tricks from Commander Warehouse

Warehouse organization tips and tricks can help increase productivity and ensure a higher level of safety in the workplace. At Commander Warehouse, we understand how important proper organization is in any workspace. That is why we offer a wide range of warehouse equipment that is specifically designed to help increase organization and productivity.



1. Re-Evaluate the Warehouse Layout Design

Since warehouse layout design is an essential part of warehouse organization, it is important to keep three major principles in mind when planning or updating a warehouse layout. The three things you should keep in mind are:

  • Flow—the floor space in the warehouse should allow for the uninterrupted movement of materials, people, and traffic within the building.
  • Accessibility—all products and pallets should be accessible to everyone without the need for moving other products out of the way.
  • Space—use as much of the warehouse space as you can afford, while taking into consideration storage, stock, offices, working areas, empty pallet storage, etc.

2. Implement Pallet Racking Systems

Consider implementing pallet racking systems into your warehouse. Doing so will allow you to focus on using vertical stacking over horizontal storage, which can oftentimes save companies from having to buy more warehouse space. Pallet racking systems are also a cost-effective way to maximize warehouse organization and are designed to allow forklifts and other trucks to easily maneuver around the warehouse.

3. Use Bins & Containers

For items that do not need to be stored on racks, consider using bins and containers to help organize products, parts, and equipment. Bins and containers are often light-weight and inexpensive and can easily be nested or stacked to save space. This type of warehouse storage solution is also available in a wide range of sizes and styles, making it easy to find the right fit for your specific needs.

4. Keep the Warehouse Clean

The more clutter you have in your warehouse, the more likely safety hazards and accidents can occur. Disorganized and dirty warehouses can also lead to reduced productivity and obsolete inventory, which can cause you money in the long run. Keeping the warehouse clean will help increase overall efficiency, which can help improve lead times.

If you would like to learn more warehouse organization tips and tricks, or if you are interested in one of our products or services, please contact Commander Warehouse at one of our four locations across Western Canada or by filling out a contact form on our website.

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