Racking vs. Shelving – Which is Right for You?
Whether you are an order fulfillment centre, industrial manufacturing facility, or automotive parts centre, it is crucial to invest in the right product and material storage solution. When it comes to product and material storage, racking and shelving are two widely utilized systems that can significantly enhance safety and efficiency. As a leading provider of shelving and pallet racking systems, the team at Commander Warehouse Equipment knows how difficult it can be to choose the right option for your needs. That is why we have provided some information to compare racking vs. shelving and help you determine which is right for you.
Learn about mobile pallet racking systems and the features they offer.
What is Racking?
Racking systems are typically taller and deeper than shelves. These units are designed to make it easy for machines like forklifts to store and remove pallets from the racks, making them a staple for busy warehouses. All racking systems are constructed from heavy-duty materials and are bolted to the floor or wall for added safety. Pallet racks usually have mesh shelves or no shelves at all and, in some cases, can feature special rails for the pallets to slide into.
Some of the different types of pallet racking systems available include:
- Selective Pallet Racking
- Cantilever Racking
- Push Back Pallet Racking
- Drive In & Drive Thru Pallet Racking
- Mobile Racking
- Pallet Flow Racking
What is Shelving?
Shelving systems are widely utilized by a variety of operations and tend to be smaller than racking systems, making it easy for people to pick up and place items by hand. Shelving systems for warehouse spaces tend to feature metal frames and mesh or wooden shelves. These products are available in a wide range of different heights with varying numbers of shelves, allowing you to choose the ideal solution for your needs. While most shelving systems are bolted to the ground or floor for added safety, there are also mechanized solutions that can be moved on tracks to help save floor space.
Some of the different types of shelving products available include:
- E-Z-RECT Shelving Trimline
- E-Z-RECT Shelving Type 1
- Slotted Angle Shelving
- Rousseau Spider Shelving System
- Spider Open Shelving
- Spider Closed Shelving
- Chrome Wire Shelving
- Bulk Storage Shelving
- Record Storage Shelving
- Manual Mobile Shelving
- Mechanical Mobile Shelving
- Powered Mobile Shelving
- Widespan 4000 Shelving
Which Option is Best for Your Facility?
When choosing a product storage solution for your facility, it can be difficult to determine which option is best for your needs, budget, and the amount of space you have. For most operations, racking tends to be best for larger items and palletized goods, while shelving is ideal for smaller items like boxes and loose materials. To ensure that you are always using the best possible storage method, it may be best to invest in both options for different areas of your facility.
To learn more about our selection of pallet racking and shelving solutions, get in touch with the team at Commander Warehouse Equipment. We can be reached through our online contact form and will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding our products or your facility.