Canadian owned warehouse storage solutions

100% Canadian Owned Company


Why is Warehouse Safety Important?

Why is warehouse safety important?

Understanding why warehouse safety is important will help you create a safer working environment for everyone. At Commander Warehouse, we know that the safest warehouse space is a well-organized one. That is why we offer a wide selection of shelving systems for creating a more organized working environment.

The Importance of Warehouse Safety

While warehouses are an integral part of any business, warehouses that are poorly run can be more dangerous than beneficial. Regularly assessing how the warehouse environment can be improved to keep workers safe will help lower the risk of injuries, while also boosting productivity levels.

How to Create a Safer Warehouse

Some simple tips for creating a safer warehouse include:

1. Identify Hazards

Taking the time to identify and evaluate potential hazards in the warehouse, such as slip and trip hazards, will allow you to address the issues and create a safer working environment. Make sure to look for any cracks or holes in the floor that will need to be repaired, as they could be a tripping hazard for employees and can also cause issues for machinery like forklifts.

2. Store Products Safely

One of the easiest ways to create a safer warehouse space is to ensure that all products and materials are stored safely. Improper storage will not only damage the stock but could also harm your employees. Make sure to keep loads stacked neatly to help reduce the risks of items falling off of shelves.

3. Keep the Space Clean

Keeping the warehouse as clean and tidy as possible will help reduce the risk of employees tripping or slipping. Make sure that everything has a designated place and that your employees are putting things away properly. It is also a good idea to encourage employees to clean up after themselves to ensure that the warehouse remains tidy, day in and day out.

4. Provide Safety Equipment

One of the most important steps in creating a safe warehouse is to provide employees with equipment, such as hardhats and safety goggles. It is also important to ensure that all built-in safety equipment like sprinklers and alarm sirens work at all times and are not blocked in any way.

If you would like to learn more about why warehouse safety is important, or if you are interested in one of our shelving systems, please contact Commander Warehouse at one of our four locations across Western Canada or by filling out a contact form on our website.

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